After registration, if you have not received your class times, you will be notified of them by phone, email or facebook message.  Please keep in mind, if it is your child’s first year at Dance FX, their schedules may change after they have been assessed by their teacher.

Minimum class size is 5 students per class.  If enrollment in a class drops below the minimum registration before December 1, all attempts will be made to combine the students with another class of a similar level.  If this is not possible the class may have to be cancelled before the new year.


We love for our students to achieve their greatest potential in all they do.  That is why we stress that near perfect attendance is a must.    Enrollment in dance involves a commitment to yourself and your group.  Review and reteaching of material from previous weeks delays the progress of routines and may not allow the full potential of the group to be realized.

If you will be absent from your class please let your teacher know so they can adjust their class plan if possible.  If it’s possible, you can also make a plan to meet with one of your classmates to learn what you may have missed.


Tuition fees are based on a yearly basis.  Upon registration, your yearly tuition for dance is required.   However, if needed, a payment plan can be organized to split tuition into 1 - 10 payments, depending on your families needs.  Keep in mind, that a monthly payment is not relative to the amount of classes you receive that month and should be considered an instalment on the years tuition.  All payments are due the 1st of the month.

A $25 registration fee will be collected upon registration.  Sorry, but this will be nonrefundable, except in the case that we can not schedule the appropriate level and discipline of class for you somewhere in our weekly schedule.

There will be no refund of fees for any classes missed by the student.  If there is another class of the same level, you may be invited to make up the class at that time.

Families with more than one student at DFX benefit by receiving a 5% discount.


Every choreography class will require a different costume.  The following price guide represents the estimated price for materials and sewing of the costume as well as any props that are required.  To insure uniformity, all costumes within a group will be sewn by the same seamstress or ordered through the studio.   Your dancer's costume will not be ordered until your deposit is received.  If your costume is not ordered with the group, there is a chance it will no longer be available, which would mean your spot in the dance could be removed.

A deposit of $100 per competitive costume will be due November 15.  A deposit of $75 per non-competitive costume will be due Feb.1.   The balance due or credit owed will then be calculated between March & April, after costumes are complete.

Costume Price Guideline

Recital Costume:        $70-$80

Competitive Costume:       $100 - $175

*The studio will act as the middle man, and pay for your costume bill at the time of ordering with the deposits paid.  Becuase we are paying another company, not affiliated with Dance FX, the studio is not responible for any problems when it comes to the delivery of these costumes, should something be delayed or shut down.  


Although we’d be sad to see you go, it’s no problem if you choose to withdraw from your non-competitive class.  If you wish to withdraw at any time from classes, you would just let us know and finish the classes in that pay period.